
Intelligence Gathering – Pharmaceuticals

Intelligence Gathering - Pharmaceuticals

The CEO led a covert operations team to Sao Paulo, Brazil where they initiated a competitor intelligence assignment on behalf of a European pharmaceuticals client in regards to a specific consumer market.

The investigation involved gathering open source intelligence, analysing locally sourced information and speaking with specialists in the medical profession in Brazil.

The team analysed the general pharmaceutical market in Brazil, identified the market and product leaders, recorded pricing structures, examined product placement practices and gathered refined intelligence on consumer and brand perceptions.

The client also retained the team to examine the marketing techniques and campaigns run by their competitors.

As part of the investigation, the client required an understanding into perceived local cultural practices and guidance into filing its regulatory records with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) in Brazil.

For further information on our due diligence, competitor intelligence and investigation services please email us on info@tenintel.com

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