

Contact Us

We’re here to help.

Our teams in the UK and Dubai deliver due diligence, investigation, and protection services across multiple jurisdictions. From small start-ups to large enterprises, we’ve got you covered.

What you can expect when asking your question:

We aim to respond within 12-hours, with the thoroughness and expertise of a Certified Specialist. This comes with a free, no-commitment initial consultation.

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+44 (0) 20 4534 8811 (London, UK)

+44 (0) 7441 341366 (WhatsApp, UK/UAE)

info@tenintel.com (General)

hr@tenintel.com (Careers)

dubai@tenintel.com (Dubai Office)


Kent, UK: 50 Churchill Square, Kings Hill, ME19 4YU

London, UK: 30 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6PJ

Dubai, UAE: 1A, 613-920 Ras Al Khor, PO Box 24745, Dubai, UAE

Our Intelligence | Your Assurance